Ways to Cope with Life as an Introvert

We all know an introvert in our family or friendship group. While you live life as an introvert, people may think you are shy or afraid to speak, but you are quietly surveying the field and analyzing what is being said and what is not being said by watching body language. 

You are not shy or afraid but prefer to be on your own or socialize with friends or family you know and trust.

What an Introvert Is

The definition of introverts varies depending on whom you ask. 

For example, some people define introverts as people with low levels of extraversion, while others describe them as shy and withdrawn.

An introvert is energized by internal stimuli and drained by external stimuli. 

Conversely, extroverts are energized by external stimuli and drained by internal stimuli.

You tend to focus on the self, whereas extroverts focus on the people around them. 

You need time alone to recharge because being around people drains your energy, whereas extroverts remain energized by being around people.

You focus on deep thinking and understanding, whereas extroverts focus on quick thinking, adaptability and responsiveness.

You focus on developing relationships and exploring ideas, whereas extroverts focus more on applying concepts to practical problems and taking action.

You have different energy levels throughout the day, whereas extroverts tend to have the same energy throughout the day.

You tend to be self-aware and prone to introspection, meaning you are more likely to understand your emotions, feelings and motives. 

You are comfortable in solitude and need more quiet time than extroverts. 

You tend to be productive in isolation and prefer to do things at your own pace and rhythm.

You prefer to work alone rather than in groups and like working independently rather than collaboratively. 

On the other hand, extroverts tend to be at their peak when in group settings and more stimulated by others around them.

You tend to be more attentive and focused on the task than extroverts. 

Extroverts tend to get distracted easily and prefer to avoid situations where they are required to stay quiet and contained.

You tend to be more motivated by internal rewards (e.g., pride, achievement) than extroverts. 

Extroverts are motivated by external rewards (e.g., money, fame).

Why Introverts Have Difficulty in Public

Introverts don’t cope well in public because being in a crowd stresses them out. 

You tend to get overwhelmed by the number of stimuli around you when in public settings, which is why you feel the need to escape to a quiet room when overwhelmed in such environments.

You prefer to avoid large social gatherings because you are forced to perform constantly in front of others and don’t feel you are your best self in such situations.

You often find it hard to express how you feel. 

You feel intimidated when you are forced to reveal who you are.

For example, while it may seem I enjoy public engagements, I prefer to be at home, where I can get on with my things without public interference. 

I work and am productive but happy in my own space. 

I still like socializing and going out but limit it to a few trusted friends and family. 

Why You Like Being Alone

Introverts are people who recharge their energy by spending time alone. 

You enjoy being by yourself and interacting with others only when necessary. 

However, some prefer spending time alone so much that they would rather be alone than be around people.

Although you seem to enjoy solitude, you don’t enjoy being alone all the time.

So, why do you like being alone?

All human beings have introverted tendencies; however, some introverts tend to be quieter about their preferences than extroverts. 

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are bad at socializing or aren’t confident. 

It means that you enjoy spending time alone to recharge your energy.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you are boring or anti-social. 

On the contrary, introverts tend to be more thoughtful and observant than extroverts. 

Introverts tend to be more reserved than extroverts, and you tend to listen more than you speak.

Nonetheless, introverts can be great teachers or speakers.

Introverts enjoy socializing in groups (friends, workmates, and family) but tend to find large gatherings uncomfortable. 

Conversely, extroverts enjoy big crowds such as parties or large business meetings.

You enjoy one-on-one interactions more than group ones.

You prefer deep conversations to small talks. 

In addition, you enjoy listening more than speaking because you value other people’s opinions and insights.

You can also focus on other people’s needs without distractions.

What are Your Fears?

As an introvert, you probably feel you’re different from everyone else. 

However, this doesn’t mean you are anti-social or don’t enjoy being around people.

You prefer to focus on one thing at a time (e.g., reading a book or writing an article) and are not often easily distracted. 

You like to do something at your own pace and don’t want to deal with unnecessary chatter or superficial small talk when socializing.

Being an introvert, extroverts can misunderstand you because you prefer to think before speaking. 

Because you are quiet and reserved, you sometimes appear shy or unfriendly. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you are moody or withdrawn.

Introverts are friendly, but you prefer to be alone when recharging.

How Introverts Can Succeed in Life

Introverts often get a bad rap from those unfamiliar with you and how you work.

However, society has conditioned people to think that extroverts are superior and introverts are inferior. 

So, many introverts have difficulty expressing their true selves and living up to their full potential when the world expects them to be extroverts.

Some even develop depression because of the pressure they feel to conform to extroverted standards.

Here are ways introverts can succeed in a world that only values extroverts.

Being alone

Learn to be alone.

Being alone doesn’t mean you are lonely. 

Being alone is not a bad thing at all. 

It’s quite the opposite. 

It means you value your time alone and find yourself happy when you have some quiet time. 

You need time alone to think and recharge, so learn to embrace the times when you can be by yourself.

Think of yourself as an extrovert in disguise.

A great way to improve your confidence is to remind yourself that you are an extrovert in disguise. 

You are much more outgoing than you give yourself credit for. 

Introverts are born with the tendency to socialize, but you often feel awkward doing so because you don’t know how to act around others. 

However, you can overcome this by practicing social skills and speaking up in social settings.

Express yourself creatively.

You tend to have more ideas and more creative thoughts than extroverts do. 

You can tap into this creativity by expressing yourself creatively through art, music, dance, writing, or other forms of expression. 

Being creative helps introverts feel stronger and more capable.

Surround yourself with like-minded people.

Instead of forcing yourself to act in extroverted ways, surround yourself with people who can appreciate your introverted ways. 

Find like-minded people who understand your personality traits and won’t judge you for being an introvert.

Make friends with extroverts.

One of the best ways to understand yourself is to understand others. 

By becoming friends with extroverts, you can learn about them and understand what makes them tick.

Extroverts tend to be more outgoing than introverts, so you can learn by observing their strengths and weaknesses and why they act the way they do. 

You can also use this understanding to avoid acting in ways that aren’t natural to you.

running to get out of your comfort zone

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Life is all about taking risks. 

The only way to experience new things is by stepping outside your comfort zone. 

However, most people avoid doing that because it’s scary. 

But, you should be brave enough to take risks and try new things.

You should experience places and weather conditions that are new, different, and uncomfortable, and most importantly, you should be open to learning from these experiences.

Here are some ways you can get out of your comfort zone:

  • Go Running – Running is an experience in itself. It requires patience, stamina, and a lot of physical preparation. And it requires a lot of persistence to venture onto the roads or parks alone. This can help you develop skills like persistence and stamina, which are important traits for success.
  • Travel alone – Traveling alone can be scary, but it can also be a great experience. You’ll develop a sense of independence and learn to be resourceful when traveling alone and solve problems on your own.
  • Volunteer – Volunteering is a noble cause that can help you make a difference in your community. For example, you can volunteer at an orphanage or shelter or help an older person with chores around the house. In addition, volunteering can help you develop a sense of empathy and compassion for others, which are important traits for a person.

Why You Need to Be Honest with Yourself

Being honest with yourself is not the same as being hard on yourself. 

Instead, it means acknowledging your faults, accepting your failures and accepting that things may not always go your way. 

You should not beat yourself up over your mistakes. 

Being honest will give you enough humility to become a better version of yourself.

You don’t have to deny yourself the pleasure of listening to your favorite song or watching your favorite movie. 

That’s what makes you human, and that’s what makes you special.

When you’re honest, you allow yourself to be vulnerable to your feelings and emotions without getting caught up in things you can’t control.

Being honest with yourself helps you stay dedicated to your goals while giving you the confidence to overcome your obstacles and reach them. 

Therefore, being honest will help you become more confident in who you are and what you are doing.

It helps you become a better listener. 

You listen to your heart instead of your mind. 

You learn to listen to your gut instinct instead of what you’ve been told to think. 

As a result, you can build better relationships with the people around you.

You’ll always know where you stand. 

As a result, you’ll understand when you need to change your approach or improve your skills to reach your goals. It will also keep you grounded when things get tough. 

It’ll ensure that you remain humble and never become arrogant. 

It will help you become a better version of yourself.

Why You Should Not Apologize for Who You Are

Being who you are is not a bad thing at all. 

It makes you unique and helps you stand out against the crowd. 

There’s nothing wrong with being different, but you shouldn’t apologize for it, either.

Being different doesn’t mean being better or worse than someone else. 

You are who you are, and that’s all you should focus on. 

To be exceptional, you don’t need to be like everyone else. 

You need to focus on your uniqueness and individuality.

A way to be different is to teach people about who you are through your writing. 

Start a Blog or Write a Book

Your writings reflect your personality, and expressing yourself lets your readers know who you are.

I did this, I started writing, and at first, I was always thinking about what people would think and then I stopped caring about that and focused on delivering the best content I could, and I was happy with that.

Everyone likes to be appreciated, so don’t be afraid to show your uniqueness through your writing. 

If people don’t like who you are, then they won’t stick around for too long anyway. 

So just be yourself and show people what makes you unique.

Filtering Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Self-limiting beliefs are limiting beliefs that we create about ourselves. 

These beliefs can limit us in our work performance, our relationships, or our life in general. 

Some of these beliefs might be subconscious, while others might be conscious, but either way, you can significantly limit our perceived ability to achieve success.

Common Self-Limiting Beliefs

  • Low self-belief – We sometimes doubt our capabilities, which leads to self-doubt. This can stifle our creativity, reducing our ability to innovate and be creative.
  • Lack of self-confidence – Sometimes, we lack self-confidence in our work performance. This can make us less effective at work because we have less confidence in ourselves, affecting our ability to collaborate and innovate.
  • Fear of failure – We fear failure, and this fear can prevent us from taking risks that we should take. Fear of failure can stop us from trying new strategies and affect our work performance.

Self-limiting beliefs can lurk in your thoughts or be voiced out loud. 

To identify them, pay attention to what goes through your mind. 

Observe your self-talk and what your internal dialogue tells you about yourself. 

Also, take note of any limiting beliefs that are voiced by others.

Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, you should examine them. 

Make a note of why you believe that to be true. 

Examine the reasons you come up with to see if you are logical and rational or irrational and false. 

For example, if you identify with no self-confidence, ask yourself why you believe you have low self-esteem. 

Examine your reasons and see if you are reasonable or mere excuses.

The final step is to evaluate the limiting beliefs you have identified. 

You will need to ask yourself if the hypothesis is true or just an irrational thought.

You should also examine the consequences of your limiting beliefs. 

Ask yourself if the view is true. 

Is it true? 

Is it something you should hold on to? 

Is it something that you should let go of?

writing in a journal

Writing Your Feelings Down in a Journal

Journaling is a great way to deal with your feelings. 

It helps you process your emotions and deal with your problems in a more productive way. 

Writing about your issues can clear your mind and enables you to focus on things that matter most in your life.

According to Mark Nepo, “Writing is prayer.” 

Writing can help you feel closer to God by enabling you to express your feelings, joys and sufferings. 

Journaling can also allow you to process your thoughts and feelings and articulate them in a way that helps you gain clarity about your feelings and emotions.

Journaling your thoughts and feelings can also help you make a positive change in your daily life. 

When you write down your thoughts, you can categorize them and reflect on them later.

This can help you identify negative feelings and emotions holding you back from reaching your goals or understanding yourself better.

Journaling can also help you overcome difficulties and hardships in your life. 

You can write down your problems and then think about how to solve them. 

You can then look back in six months and see your progress.


Being an introvert can be challenging. However, it’s possible to build a life and business, influence people, and inspire others by embracing your introverted traits. You can work from home, which allows you to be independent and spend time with your family. Working from home also makes you more productive by setting your schedule. You will be able to build great relationships and recharge when needed, but you also need to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It will also help if you keep a journal of your thoughts to track your progress.